Government Of Jammu And Kashmir

Department Of School Education

Chief Education Office Shopian

Our Team

This Website is Dedicated to the Teachers and Students Of District Shopian

Wasim Imtiyaz


I feel extremely overwhelmed to be part of this project, Which was started with the aim to facilitate the employees of Education Department in particular and common masses in general, on latest technological and digital platform....!

Tawseef Ahmad Malik

A.D Planning

The Website is Created to provide Easy access to information regarding various interventions, Schemes and day to day activities to all Stakeholders of Education Department in District Shopian Using the Medium Of Information Technology.

Tawseef Ayoub


I am extremely grateful and deeply indebted to Mr. Mohd Mushtaq CEO shopian, for his valuable guidance, scientific freedom and contineous support throughout the development of this website. I am grateful to the intellectual stimulation of our dearest Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Malik A.D. Planning for his meticulous and tireless efforts for the early launch and development of official website. I also express our sincere thanks to Mr. Waseem Imtiyaz Accountant for the procurement of resources and for his valuable suggestions for the development of this website at an earliest. My deep sense of gratitude also goes to the Administor for providing best service in the development and maintainance of website and being their always for immediate help.